Living Life Well Issue 1 | Page 22

Mastering time by mastering yourself In the past year how many times have you caught yourself asking the question “where has the time gone?” For most of us, the months appear to have sailed by so swiftly this year. That yacht with all our good intentions, hopes and wishes pulled anchor on 1st January and didn’t wait for us to ‘be ready’. So it is every year. We begin the year with positive intentions, for events to hold, people to meet, activities that will see us grow and develop, moving in the direction of where we think we want our lives to go. As the months go on you resign yourself to the understanding that there’s not enough time in the year to finish what you had initially set out to do and really, you can’t even remember that passion you initially had. But then March and April come by and the inspiration and momentum starts to fade as the excitement of the new year begins to blend into midyear. The months flow from one to the next. Daily tasks are getting done, you respond to 22 people’s question of “how are you?” with “good thanks, you?”, but really your soul is aching. It’s watching that yacht sail further off towards the horizon, knowing that there is no chance of catching it again this year. You’re happy enough in your day to day routine, keeping yourself busy with the daily tasks that need to be done. Yet every now and then that feeling of longing, that ache of emptiness, of stagnation comes to the surface again. I believe that every human being wants to grow and develop in some way over the course of their lives. In fact I believe it is essential. I believe we are here to awaken, to appreciate, to delight, to contribute and to inspire. So what if we could catch the yacht? What if we did take action, imagined ourselves jumping on a jet ski to catch the waves right up to that yacht then jump on board? Would we know in which direction we were taking it? Would we know how to speak with the wind so it whispered into our sails, propelling us forward? Would we know how to harness the power of the great ocean so that even through the roughest of storms we’d be able to maintain our course and come through the other side, arms stretched wide to the sunshine and cry out loud “thank you, what an awesome adventure!”? Without direction and vision, what does it matter if we get to the end of the year sooner rather than later? “We are here to awaken, to appreciate, to delight, to contribute and to inspire.” Whenever I think of Time I think of the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland and the conversation they had in the wood: “Which way should I go?”, asks Alice. “Well that entirely depends on where you want to get to”, grins the cat. “I don’t really know…” answers a confused Alice. “Then it doesn’t matter which way you go!” Are you allowing Time to lead you; drawing you from one day to the next without consulting you? Are you allowing daily nuances to get in the way under the guise of being too busy? It is your responsibility to take back the power of your Time, to make a commitment to yourself to learn and to grow. It’s not going to happen next month, next year or in the next 5 years because Time has other plans for you. It has an agenda, a destination which affects you at the deepest core level; Time is counting