Living July. 2014 | Page 19


Leo 23 july- 22 august

Loyalty from the Leos will last a lifetime. Pursue a career where you can express your ambitiousness, creativity, and optimisticness. Your family has nothing to worry about you in post- secondary because Leos are one that can stand their ground strongly. Do not let the unlight fire in your love life bring you down, things will heat up soon. Trust me!

Virgo 23 august- 22 september

You analyzed your schedule time and time over again, it is time to take a deep breath before this job interview. You know you are highly skilled in organization, so try not to stress this month. It is busy month, indeed, but you got this. You have all the credentials needed for the co-op program you've been working hard for. Don't worry.

Aquarius 20 january- 18 february

Live out your dream of photography, acting or teaching! Maybe even all three. Invest yourself into your career. Put money into your own pocket.

Capricorn 23 december - 19 january Capicorn have been independence since birth, and since birth they have been learning about theirself. From childhood to adulthood, Capicorn displays independence in the work force along with personal life. Although Capicorns are hardheaded and tend to be unforgiving, I challenge you to accept the differences in opinions of others.

Sagittarius 22 november- 22 december

A sagittarius already knows what they want to do with their life. They have identitied themselves within the society they live in. Having a right sense of who you are as an individual will enalbe one to make choices that serves the needs, strengths and interests. It would be a successful flow into the stage of being a young adult.

Scorpio 23 october - 21 november

There is trouble in the home, and you have closed yourself. It is hard for you to speak, but your longtime friends understand. You visit their homes, and their family seems to be just fine. You can not help but feel jealous. Your friends are your supportive system

Libra 23 september - 22 october

There is an opportunity right in front of you that others around your community may also be interested in. Do not pick and choose which individuals may be interested, tell them all! People would enjoy being around a Libran because of their sense of harmony. In the midst of taking that opportunity, do not forget your family.

Taurus 20 april - 20 may

Your parents are able to depend upon an adolescent like you. You are patient, but also stubborn especially when it comes to sudden changes without your consent. Some enough, your parents will be launching you into the world of studies.

Aries 20 jmarch - 19 april

You are the self-determination zodiac. You push through stages of life through physical and social changes. You are determined to successfully go through the dilemmas that each stage holds for you.

Pisces 19 feburary - 19 march

Do not fear the unknow, Pisces. This is what is holding you back from committing to a career for yourself.

Gemini 22 jmay- 20 june

A Gemini's intelligence will determine the path you will take. You have a range of skills that can be used to deal with stress and sudden change.


Ms Cancer 21 june - 22 july

You are just less then two months away from

starting a new chapter of your life. It will be hard

possibly leaving your family while you start your new

life in college or university but you'll be sure to make

friends with how compassionate you are. We challenge

those entering their graduate year to escape your

comfort zone! You feel the urge to stay home close to

your loving family and go to university near you. Go

explore the world!
