Living July. 2014 | Page 17

Pressure to Excel at School

Maheem Fatima recently did a survey on young adults who immigrated to Ontario, Canada from Pakistan. From a symbolic interactionist persepctive, young men and young women were expected to follow traditional roles of one's gender, but faced the pressure from parents to excel in school and career of chose. They were to remain respectful towards family and extended family. A young individual will develop a life structure once they have developed self-esteem through family's acceptance, and nurturance.

Culture Conflict

Culture and society do have a large impact on young people like yourself. Here in Canada, it is so diverse that is could be difficult for a young adult to attemtp to develop an individualistic life structure. You, as an individual, have several characteristics such as your age, your gender, your family background and these specific characterisitcs influence the path you decide to walk on in life. Those who have a religious background have an addition challenge to face when it comes to transitioning into adulthood Trust us when we say that you are not alone.