Living Environment Translated English 2014 | Page 37

18. Vestigial structures- a structure that doesn’t seem to have a function , and may once have functioned in the body of an ancestor 19. Primates- a group of mammals including humans , monkeys, and apes that share characteristics such as opposable thumbs, binocular vision, and flexible shoulders 20. Hominids- a humanlike primate that appeared about 4-6 million years ago, ate both plants and meat, and walked upright on two legs 21. Homo sapiens- early humans that likely evolved from CroMagnons 22. Cro-Magnon - an early human group that appeared about 40,000 years ago and are thought to be direct ancestors of modern humans. 23. Neanderthals- an early human group that had short, heavy bodies with thick bones, small chins, and heavy brow ridges. They appeared about 125,000 years ago and disappeared about 30,000 years ago. 24. Paleontology- the study of fossils or extinct organisms 25. Gene pool- a collection of alleles ( genes) found in all the individuals of a population 26. Speciation- the evolution of two or more species from one ancestral species 27. Extinction- elimination of a species from the Earth B. General Notes 1. Evolution is one of the central ideas of biology. It explains how living things have changed in the past and is the basis for predicting how they might change in the future. 2. Evolution is change in the characteristics of a species over time. 3. There are two model about the speed of evolution : a. Gradualism- a model that describes evolution as a slow process by which one species changes into a new species