Living Environment Translated Arabic 2014 | Page 22

l. Endoplasmic reticulum- a series of channels that transport materials into and out of the nucleus. m. Lysosome- a “ suicide sac”- this organelle is responsible for destroying defective cells. n. Nucleolus- an organelle inside of the nucleus that produces ribosomes o. Cell wall- tough, rigid outer coverings that protect the plant cell and give it shape. FOUND ONLY IN PLANT CELLS! p. Chloroplasts- organelles in plant cells that contain chlorophyll. ONLY IN PLANT CELLS! q. Cytoskeleton- a network of microfibers and microfilaments that give eukaryotic cells support and shape r. Vacuole- storage areas in cells; very large in plants cells s. Cell- the smallest unit of an organisms t. Tissue- a group of cells that work together to perform a specific function u. Organ- a group of tissues that work together to perform a specific function v. Organ-System- ( System) – a group of organs that work together to perform a specific function w. Organism- a complete living thing x. Unicellular- made up of only one cell y. Multicellular- made up of more than one cell