Effective Planning for Ministry Requires Leaders
Denise Utter , Chair of the Board of Directors , In Word and Witness ( formerly National Conference for Catechetical Leaders )
“ The Lord appointed seventy [ -two ] others whom he sent ahead of him ” ( Luke 10:1 )
Living as Missionary Disciples : A Resource for Evangelization , 24-25
Scripture Reflection
after this the LORD appointed seventy [ -two ] others whom he sent ahead of him in pairs to every town and place he intended to visit . He said to them , “ The harvest is abundant , but the laborers are few ; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest . Go on your way ; behold , I am sending you like lambs among wolves . Carry no money bag , no sack , no sandals , and greet no one along the way . Into whatever house you enter , first say , ‘ Peace to this household .’ If a peaceful person lives there , your peace will rest on him ; but if not , it will return to you . Stay in the same house and eat and drink what is offered to you , for the laborer deserves his payment . Do not move about from one house to another . Whatever town you enter and they welcome you , eat what is set before you , cure the sick in it and say to them , ‘ The kingdom of God is at hand for you .’” ( Luke 10:1-9 )
Leaders | 21