Living as Missionary Disciples Guidebook Full Guidebook | Page 13

A core part of the Art of Accompaniment is reaching out to those who are broken . Describe a time when someone reached out to you in your own life . How did they listen to your “ point of pain ”?
Active listening is the first step in the accompaniment of others . According to number 171 of Pope Francis ’ Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium ( The Joy of the Gospel ):
Listening helps us to find the right gesture and word which shows that we are more than simply bystanders . Only through such respectful and compassionate listening can we enter on the paths of true growth and awaken a yearning for the Christian ideal : the desire to respond fully to God ’ s love and to bring to fruition what he has sown in our lives .
How do you practice active listening ? What challenges you about this practice ? How can you continue to improve your active listening skills ?
Imitating Jesus Christ ’ s accompaniment model , discuss the importance of being present to others through asking meaningful questions .
Who do you seek advice from when you encounter relational obstacles ? What characteristics do these advisors possess in order for you to seek their advice ?
Accompany | 7