Charity & CSR 17
Seeing is Believing for DWF in Liverpool
Business law firm, DWF, has recently supported a ‘Seeing is Believing’ event
at its Liverpool office to showcase its community work across the education
sector and its Business in the Community (BITC) business class partnership
with Broadgreen International school.
Morecrofts help build charity moral
Liverpool DWF lawyer and BITC business connector, Simon Price,
addressed a range of Liverpool business leaders, speaking on the firm’s
pioneering 5 STAR Futures programme. The programme was developed by
Simon, in partnership with schools and other educational institutions, to
develop students’ skills and increase their likelihood of employment
following secondary education.
Piloted at Liverpool’s Broadgreen International School, 5 STAR Futures has
seen DWF employees from across the firm collaborate with teaching staff to
mentor pupils on workplace behaviours and the world of work.
Led by national charity, BITC, event attendees were invited by DWF to
discuss how they can most effectively work with schools in their respective
communities and were given the opportunity to become BITC ambassadors.
Paul Rimmer, Executive Partner of the Liverpool Office, said: “This event
tackles the challenge every business across the UK faces in wanting to
support the local community but being unsure of how to do so in a
sustainable, effective way.
“We have worked with schools across the North West to develop a scheme
that should deliver tangible results. It reflects our values and should inspire
the next generation of business professionals.”
BITC is a business-led charity with member companies from large
multinational household names to small local businesses and public sector
Street Pastors: Carol Burke, Hazel Dykins & -Shirley Cowan
Morecrofts have been thanked by the Liverpool Street Pastors for their donation
of cash and much needed items of clothing.
Following a collection of clothes for the homeless and the donation of £250 from
Morecrofts’ Partner Carole Mason from one of her charitable trusts, the Street
Pastors have been able to train up a new volunteer.
Carol Burke from the Street pastors said: “I called Morecrofts for a different
reason all together – and from that one phone call the company helped us more
than they knew.
“With the clothes donations as well