From the Editor
committee I was surprised at
how much work went on
behind the scenes with MP's,
Councillors, the Law society
and various charities and
benevolent societies and
thought it would be
interesting for members to
understand more of how
Liverpool Law Society
operates. A different
committee will be featured
each month and if of interest
please consider getting more
involved and perhaps joining
To our February edition, you
will hopefully notice we have
been busy changing the style
of the magazine and we have
included several new
columns I hope will be of
interest to you.
The new "Meet the
Committee" column is
intended to provide some
background information on
the work of the society's
various sub-committees.
When I joined the general
We have also introduced a
networking column to
highlight the number of local
organisations in our area that
provide networking
opportunities for local firms
and businesses. If you are a
member of an organisation
not listed and would like it
included please let me know.
You will see from Our
President's column she has
had a busy and productive
start to the year, last month
we reported on the society's
meeting with MP's this
month Glenys refers to the
society's meeting with local
councillors reported on page
7. Both meetings were
excellent forums to put
forward our concerns with
the effect of government cuts
on the profession and on the
electorate and as Glenys
mentions we had a positive
and supportive response.
I found Weightmans article
on their experience of the
higher apprentice scheme,
from the view point of the
firm and the lucky
apprentice, an interesting and
useful reminder that there is
more than one way to enter
this fabulous profession.
I hope you enjoy reading
about the events, conferences
and achievements this month
and thank you for your
IT Forum
Spring Lunch
HR Networking Lunch
COLP Forum
Summer BBQ
Liverpool Law Society’s
monthly magazine
Do you have something to share
with other Liverpool Law Society
members? Has your firm
participated in an interesting or
unusual case? Do you feature on
the Movers & Shakers page? Have
you participated in a CSR event?
Share your news with the legal
All members’ contributions to
Liverpool Law warmly welcomed.
Please send your article (and
photos with captions where
appropriate) to the Editor Sylvia
Shepherd at
Photographs should be provided
in the highest resolution possible
to ensure good reproduction
Deadlines for 2014
20th January for February
17th February for March
17th March for April
14th April for May
19th May for June
16th June for July
21st July for August
18th August for September
15th September for October
20th October for November
17th November for December
Liverpool Law Society
Published by
Liverpool Law Society
To mark the International Festival for Business taking place in Liverpool in 2014, we
shall be ‘twinning’ a Liverpool landmark, with a similar location elsewhere in the
world. This month features Liverpool and Peking Universities.
Need an expert in medical or
dental negligence?
Refer to us.
Liverpool Law
Needs YOU
[email protected]
Sylvia Shepherd
Dates for your Diary
Editorial 3
City : Allerton : Garston
Baskerville Publications Ltd
25 Southworth Way
Thornton Cleveleys
Lancashire FY5 2WW
Tel: 01253 829431
[email protected]
Front cover design by Paul Sealey
0151 733 3353