Liverpool Law Bulletin December 2013 December 2013 | Page 3

Editorial A Few Words from the Editor Dates for your Diary 12/12/13 1.00-2.00pm COLP Forum Liverpool Law Society 17/01/14 1.00-2.00pm HR Forum Liverpool Law Society 29/01/14 5.30pm for 6.00pm Newly qualified solicitor & pupil barrister Reception Liverpool Law Society Welcome to the last edition of 2013. We have a great edition for you this month with lots of newsworthy articles. On our Charity and CSR Page we have lots of pictures about what all the firms have been up to and the JLD have been busy as usual and of course there are some pictures from the latest AWS Event. This month’s bulletin focuses on Knowsley and we delighted to feature Mark Hunter of Mackrell & Thomas Solicitors. I am not sure healthy living will be top of your list at this time of the year but please give Paula Mansfield’s article some consideration! This is my last edition as Editor. My 12 months is up and no doubt, you will be glad to see the back of me and my awful photograph! I would like to thank the Liverpool Law Society Editorial Committee for their continued support and I would also like to thank my firm, James Murray Solicitors for supporting me during my year as Editor and not getting too annoyed with me with the amount of e-mail traffic I have created. I would also like to thank all the readers and everybody who has sent articles into me. Please keep sending your articles into the Editor’s address as it is your articles and pictures that make the bulletin such a good read. Lots of love 2014 Deadlines for Liverpool Law 20TH JAN 17TH FEB 17TH MARCH 14TH APRIL 19TH MAY 16TH JUNE 21st JULY 18TH AUG 15TH SEP 20TH OCT 17TH NOV Published by Baskerville Publications Ltd 25 Southworth Way Thornton Cleveleys Lancashire FY5 2WW Tel: 01253 829431 Each month the front cover will feature a photograph of one of Liverpool Law Society’s boroughs... Liverpool Law Society’s monthly magazine Do you have something to share with other Liverpool Law Society members? Has your firm participated in an interesting or unusual case? Do you feature on the Movers & Shakers page? Have you participated in a CSR event? Share your news with the legal community. All members’ contributions to Liverpool Law warmly welcomed. Please send your article (and photos with captions where appropriate) to the Editor Rachel Lloyd at [email protected] Refer to us. 06/03/14 1.00-2.00pm IT Forum Liverpool Law Society Front cover photograph courtesy of Mills Media GET PUBLISHED IN LIVERPOOL LAW Need an expert in medical or dental negligence? 07/02/14 1.00-2.00pm COFA Forum Liverpool Law Society email: [email protected] Rachel Lloyd Editor Consultant Solicitor James Murray Solicitors [email protected] or [email protected]. Photographs should be provided in the highest resolution possible to ensure good reproduction 06/02/14 6.00pm for 6.30pm Wine Tasting Event Hatfields Jaguar, Riverside Drive, Liverpool January - Liverpool February - Sefton March - Liverpool April - Neston May - Liverpool June - Wirral July - Liverpool August - Widnes (in Halton) September - Liverpool October - St Helens November - Liverpool December - Knowsley This month’s photograph is of Knowsley Hall 0151 733 3353 City : Allerton : Garston Liverpool Law 3