Livelihood Reports Al Amrikeya Area - Final Assessment | Page 9

3 The Area’s Needs Assessment 107 3.1 Methodology of the Needs Assessment 109 3.1.1 Participatory Needs Assessment (PNA) Workshops 109 3.1.2 Focus groups 109 3.2 Main Problems and Needs Highlighted by the Assess ment Participants 110 3.2.1 Built Environment Aspects 110 3.2.2 Socio-Economic Aspects 121 3.2.3 Institutional/Legal Aspects 123 4 Situation Analysis 125 4.1 Summary of the Main Findings and Characteristics in the Area 127 4.2 SWOT Analysis 129 5 Intervention Proposals 5.1 Best Practices from Similar Areas 5.1.1 Urban Upgrading Case study: The redevelopment plan of Bhadra Precinct, in Ahmedabad, India. 5.1.2 Social Integration between Host and Refugee Communities-In ternational Case Studies 133 133 135 136 5.2 Proposed Strategies for Intervention 141 5.3 Recommended further areas of study 142 5.3.1 Legal and Institutional Management Study 142 5.3.2 Solid Waste Management Study 142 5.3.3 Traffic and Mobility Study 142