Livelihood Reports Al Amrikeya Area - Final Assessment | Page 270

41. Do you think those buying from you are different from those buying from the malls? a. yes - why do you think so? .................................................. b. No - why do you think so? .................................................. 42. Do you have a delivery service? (Fill only if the answer to question 14 is b.Yes) 43. Who delivers your goods? a. No b.Yes c.Personal employee d. Delivery service in the area e. Yourself f. Other: ..................... 44. What distinguishes EAA from other areas? ............................................... 45. How do you see the future of EAA? .................................................... XII. MOVEMENTS IN SPACE 46. For mobile street vendors: What is the route you use? Please outline on the map your daily route with the stops and locations you use. 47. How long have you been using this space where you are standing now? ......... 48. Do you also use another spot? a. No b. Yes. Where? ...............Why? ............ 49. Are there places you avoid? a. No b. Yes. Where? ...............Why? ............ 50. Which are the locations you sell the most? ....................... why? 51. Is there another spot you would like to have but it is currently too difficult to get/far? a. No 52. b. Yes. Where? ............... What are the reasons?...................... Does someone else use the location where you display your products in another time? a. No b. Yes,.. 53. If someone else took your place, how and who might help you get it back, or find another place? 54. When was the last time there was a conflict along the street with another vendor, store keeper or resident? What was the conflict about? .................................................. 8.2 | Appendix Ii: Questionnaires And Interviews | 210