Livelihood Reports Al Amrikeya Area - Final Assessment | Page 257

36. What is the timing of products unloading.............? 37. Do you store products outside the shop? a.No (Fill only if the answer to question 37 is b.Yes) 38. Where do you store the exhibited products outside your shop at night? a.Inside the store b.Yes b.Mezannine c.In another shop d.Keep it outside e.Other: 39. Who are your customers? a. Wholesalers b.Students c.Residents d.Other...................... 40. Are your customers mostly: a...%Males b....% Females a. Why? ................................................................. b. Does this change in the morning or evening? Explain i. Yes:................................................................. ii. No:................................................................. 41. Does the shop have a delivery service? (Fill only if the answer to question 14 is b.Yes) a. No b.Yes Personal employee 42. Who delivers your goods? Delivery service in the area Yourself Other: ..................... 43. What distinguishes EAA from other areas? ............................................... 44. How do you see the future of EAA? .................................................... 197 | APPENDICES