Livelihood Reports Al Amrikeya Area - Final Assessment | Page 168

MAIN PROBLEMS AND NEEDS HIGHLIGHTED BY THE AS- SESSMENT PARTICIPANTS 3.2 This section presents a brief of the findings of the needs assessment process. Obstacles, op- portunities, and recommendations for future steps are also shown according to the Consult- ant’s findings. These findings are categorized according to the built environment, socio-eco- nomic, and legal/institutional aspects. 3.2.1 BUILT ENVIRONMENT AS- PECTS The main built environment problems and needs highlighted by the community are re- lated to land use and activities, traffic, mobili- ty, and accessibility, infrastructure and paving conditions, public open space elements such as street furniture and lighting, and environmen- tal aspects related to solid waste management. as it affects all users of the space. Interviews with passers-by, shop owners as well as street vendors tackled this problem by asking the re- spondents’ opinions on the amount and quality of public spaces available in the area. The vast majority agreed upon a need for greater pub- lic spaces and greenery that are free of charge. Many were not aware of al-Hossary Park, while those who had known of it were not eager to spend time there due to its poor condition and a reputation for illegal activity. Street vendors also recommended removing the green space behind the university, facing the “Divided from al-Tahrir” road, as it is a place for drug sale and other illicit behaviour. An upgrading of these two areas would quickly improve the quality of green spaces in the area and provide breath- ing space against the high density of users and crowds. (Figure 61) Land use and Activities The use and division of public spaces was a ma- jor concern for all respondents and participants Figure 61: Diagram showing the major green spaces in AAA 3.2 | Main Problems And Needs Highlighted By The Assessment Participants | 110