LIVE, your guide for student life September 2014 | Page 8

• Don’t put all important thing in one box to reduce the risk of the lost. It’s going to be the first thing the robber look. • If you loose item, report to the police as a lost. If you have lost your passport, report it to the security service in the university to process it to the next stage. • Visit It’s a free website to register your electronic devices and possession. This online checking is used by all UK Police forces to trace owners of lost and stolen property. It is simple, you just put your details and unique reference number. It’s easier than using UV pen. Before you leave your house: • Lock your door and shut all the windows. • Plan your journey, to reduce the risk of getting lost. • Don’t use a mobile phone when you walk along the street. If you need to make a call, stop, make a call, then put it away. • Simply aware your surrounding. Look people around, so you know what they look like and what’s going on around you. Be careful with your belongings. • It’s better to walk in a group at night. USEFUL CONTACTS Website : Twitter : @SaferStudents On campus Birmingham City Unviresity +443316325 Emergency: +443316969 Aston University Emergency: 2222 (internal) 0121 359 2922 (external) University of Birmingham Tel : 0121 414 3000 (43000 internally) Security Control (emergencies) Tel : 0121 414 4444 (44444 internally) Email : [email protected] 8 Off campus West Midlands police: 101 Emergency: 999