LIVE, your guide for student life September 2014 | Page 15
except in summer, you have to
prepare loose clothes.
Best buy tips, you can buy warm
clothes when summer and buy
summer clothes when winter.
Start buying from no will save
your money, because you’re going
to have quite higher cost when
you buy boots or coats on winter.
On orientation day, sometimes
there will be shopping trip, the
university will show you the
cheaper shop with best deals.
Step 6: Open for a student bank
library and the internet rather
than buy a book
Whether you are planning a weekend to go around London, or spending your summer to travel around
Europe, you will need to budget
the amount of money you plan to
For safety reason, you can put
money into the account rather than
carry physical cash. If your money is stolen, you will not have any
money left. There are many bank
accounts that operate overseas that
you can consider as your option.
Step 7: Apply for student card
Getting student card will be useful,
they offers many discounts and
Step 4: Decide where are you go- benefit from many merchants. You
can apply for NUS Card through
ing to live that suit your budget
your Student Union. National Rail
If you go to private accommodaalso offers 16-25 Railcard. It costs
tion, you need to think about your
just £30 and will save you 1/3 on
water bills, electricity, gas, TV
rail fares throughout Great Britain.
license and any other type exIf you’re aged between 16 and 25,
penditures for household. Sharra
or are older and in full-time educasuggests it is cheaper to rent stution, you can apply for it.
dent accommodation than private
hall, since the bills are included.
Step 8: Save your travel budget in
Step 5: Use the resources of the advance
Try to connect with your tutor
beforehand, to know how many
book and estimated cost of the
book that you need during your
study, to draw the cost down the
money. If you need core books,
just buy those. Because after you
finish with them, you don’t know
where you should put off your
Still have problem?
Come to your student services,
they usually offers help for financial
issue, such as student loan, how to
save your money, how to create a
budget, and so on.