LIVE, your guide for student life September 2014 | Page 10
For many students it is 20 hours
but can depend on the industry you
want to work in. Many students
can work longer hours in the holiday but check with your university’s Student Services department if
you are unsure.
What is the difficulty for international
student to get a job in the UK?
1. Get your CV checked! Is it
rele¬vant to the UK? It’s slightly
different from each country, e.g:
some coun-tries require photo, or
you may include personal details
such as your marital status, or the
number of children that you have.
Keep it to 2 pages!
Another barrier could be that
some companies don’t fully understand what international students
can bring to the company. It’s
helpful if you can consider how you
can market yourself to make you
stand out compared to local students and demonstrate how you
position your self in the market.
Usually, after you finish your
course, you will have a period
between 2-4 months before your
visa expires, but often the company may not have work experience
What is your tips to improve the chance programmes that match your
of getting work placement in here?
2. Make sure your CV is targeted to
the company that you are looking
for. For example, if you want to
ap¬ply for Social Media Assistant
role, your employer expects you
to include your twitter or blog on
your CV. If you apply for a job for a
company that has international offices, then you may want to include
details of your linguistic abilities.
State that you can speak multiple
languages. Don’t just send out the
same CV every time. Make sure
you tailor your CV!
Some of the small companies
aren’t familiar about immigration rules and regulations. But it
doesn’t mean it’s impossible! Once
again, the most important thing is
you know what you want to do, why
you are special, what you can bring
that home student can’t bring.