Live Wise Magazine - Journal for Health and Wellbeing Live Wise Magazine January 2015 issue | Page 27

HAPPINESS RUNS IN OUR FAMILY THE five best words to say to anyone in your family is “Happiness runs in our family”. Isn’t that what we all want? Happiness. What does that mean “Happiness runs in our family?” Human nature seems to give enormous attention to negativity. We whine and boob about everything. We want to control the universe and bully people - even our children into doing whatever we dictate. We blame others and make excuses. When it comes to illness and disease, we are quick to declare “that” runs in my family that’s why I am sick. So why not give the same intention to Happiness? Many years ago when all 5 of my children were still at home and bickered - as siblings will do - over nothing. I put my arms around my two fighting sons and whispered gleefully “Happiness runs in our family”. They were stunned, standing there in shock that I didn’t yell at them and send them off to our dark basement dungeon for fighting. Just remember, I said; “Happiness runs in our family.” It stuck. Interestingly enough, it shifted the energy in the situation immediately. The boys stopped bickering and went off to play. I started saying it - becoming our family’s mantra and still do it today. Does it mean your kids won’t fight? No... But it will change how YOU, the parent (or spouse) reacts to the situation. Love will prevail. It takes a bit of practice but when you can adopt such a positive, uplifting approach to your view of your family; it will cure diseases of the heart and mind. Happiness will resonate. Science has shown us that there is a Biology of Belief ( book by Bruce Lipton). Your DNA is influenced by what we think and say. So if you want healthy DNA to pass on - be nice - you are what you think and believe. In 2013, a post ran in the Huffington Post; The Six Words You Should Say To Your Child. Rachel reported that she was impacted by this report. “... college athletes were asked what their parents said that made them feel great; that amplified their joy during and after a ballgame. Their overwhelming response: ‘I love to watch you play.’” The article entitled, “What Makes a Nightmare Sports Parent and What Makes a Great One,” which described powerful insights by Bruce E. Brown and Rob Miller of Proactive Coaching LLC. Rachel commented, “Although I finished reading the entire piece, my eyes went back and searched for that one particular sentence - the one that said, “I love to watch you play.” I love to watch you play. I do! All our children played sports. Did I ever say it? I sure felt that I loved every minute of it. I often felt it was the highlight of my day to go to a game they were involved in. I loved watching them dance, sing, play in trees. I remember sneaking out the back door quietly to watch my two youngest build a fort in the grass reeds along our river bank underneath the plum tree. And they would [