Live Still Points Volume 2, February 2014 | Page 19

Special thanks to VCOM VC, VCOM CC, and WVSOM students, and of course, thank you to Drs. Stephen Blood, David Harden DO, Hope Tobey DO, Lauri Lile DO, Brian Dickerson DO, Terry Cyr DO, Avtar Moore DO, Tom Byrnes DO, VCOM Alum Jason Sneed DO, and Elizabeth Young PTTA and for their time, talents, and wisdom.

As attendees shifted into the swing of the workshop, hands were placed (as were feet—both on the floor), voices were quieted, and thoughts were settled. Speaking only from personal experience, the feel of the workshop this time around was different. People linked in to one another, felt what they could feel, asked many questions, and were guided exceptionally well by all proctors and physicians. I experienced an awareness that when people make a commitment, a journey to work towards a single goal, that more learning is experienced than when perhaps the familiar road was taken. Attendees barely knew one another’s name, but we were reading their cranial rhythms, trying to correct them, and being present in the moment as one learning unit. Call me crazy, but to me, that’s where multi leveled absorbing happens. And thank goodness for it!

Dr. Blood’s special guest intrigued all. Who was this person? What could she teach us? This person introduced herself as Elizabeth Young, PTTA. A very talented individual, Elizabeth gave a presentation and demonstration about a way of healing people known as “Mechanical Link”. Sometimes referred to as a form of Myofascial Release Therapy, the mechanical link involves gentle manipulation of the muscles and the underlying connective tissue that make up the fascial system; doing so is said to alleviate some of the pain that results from the restrictions found in the system and allow the body to activate natural healing processes. As we gathered around to watch her work, Elizabeth blew us all away. Her humble spirit and tenacious approach to this way of healing people was an inspiration to everyone who attended.

In culmination, the regular annual cranial workshop planned by the VCOM SAAO had been changed. It can no longer be the “annual cranial workshop”. Some thing this time around set the bar for years to come. Not only was it amazing to have other schools learn with us as students, but also truly an honor to learn under the physicians present. Dr. Blood has led the VCOM Cranial Workshop for years, and the opportunity to have him guide us through this experience year after year is truly a blessing. Hearing stories of whom he’s helped, cured, and inspired is a wake up call for training osteopaths as ourselves. It is vital to our profession and to the people we will have the privilege of treating one day to work hard, to study with open minds, and to create a synergy to inspire people in whatever life path they have chosen.

Dr. Blood has called and stirred

up expectations, boundaries, and

frontiers to venture. May our

routines be broken, presence

bring learning people together,

and may synergy create

one unit.

What possibilities can you create?