Live Still Points October 2013 | Page 7

Megan Seidl, VP CCOM

OMM Mondays - A CCOM tradition of students helping students

Do you remember the first time you truly appreciated tissue texture change or that time you successfully treated a somatic dysfunction with HVLA? There is no doubt that learning the art of osteopathic manipulative therapy can be overwhelming and difficult at first. Every first year osteopathic medical student knows the challenges an OMM lab courses can bring. The subtle skill sets of diagnosing and treating somatic dysfunction cannot be crammed or memorized. For many, this fact is often a harsh realization the night before a practical exam.

In the 2008-2009 academic year, OMM Fellow Joseph Brindise started something called OMM Tuesdays, and while the day of the week has changed, the purpose is still the same - to bring first and second year students together to practice their skills.

Every Monday at lunch, first year students have the opportunity to come to the OMM lab to ask questions, practice their skills and even get an OMM treatment for some of those common studying aches and pains - all from second year students. The fun, low-key environment allows students to focus on their weakness and ask questions they might otherwise feel uncomfortable bringing up during classes.

Many of the students who participate on a regular basis admit to developing a more profound appreciation for certain osteopathic skills compared to their classmates who do not attend. Some of these small victories are palpating and actually appreciating tissue texture change, feeling decreased range of motion in a segment, or the release felt when successfully treating with myofascial release. Attendees will often return the following week motivated and excited because they too realize that with a little practice comes great improvement in their osteopathic skills. This excitement doesn’t end there, the students often bring other classmates thereby increasing attendance, osteopathic awareness, and morale in their class for future osteopathic lessons.

While it was designed as a resource for first years, second year students have also benefited significantly from participating in OMM Mondays. It provides an environment where second years can review past concepts, practice near-forgotten techniques, and explain the material to an eager first year. It is a great way to refresh memories and stay on top of topics that may show up on COMLEX.

OMM Mondays

A CCOM tradition of students helping students