Live Magazine September 2014 Volume 9/2014 | Page 60

preview POKÉMON OMEGA RUBY AND POKÉMON ALPHA SAPPHIRE Pokémon trainers and gamers will be able to travel back to the land of Hoenn for the first time in over ten years this November in the next instalments of the Pokémon series; Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, remakes of Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon Sapphire for the Game Boy Advance, released in 2003. The tried-and-true turn-based role playing game combat hasn’t been changed by developer Game Freak, but what has been introduced and improved has had Pokémon trainers cheering. Taking off from Pokémon X’s and Pokémon Y’s Mega Evolution to further evolve a Pokémon during battle is Primal Reversion, which is said to devolve a Pokémon to a prehistoric state. Primal Reversion can be performed by the legendary Pokémon of the earth Groudon and the legendary Pokémon of the ocean Kyogre to become Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre, the Pokémon on the covers of Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire respectively. Speaking of Mega Evolutions, more Pokémon have been given the ability to mega evolve in these upcoming titles. Joining Blaziken are the other final evolutions of the games starters, Mega Sceptile and Mega Swampert. In addition, there’s also the sneaky Mega Sableye, the yet to be released Mythic Pokemon Mega Diancie, the fierce Mega Metagross, the incredibly fluffy Mega Altaria, the speedy Mega Salamance, and the kicking Mega Lopunny. Receiving an upgrade from Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon Sapphire in this game are Secret Bases, the ability to create a, well, Secret Base in the landscape of Hoenn. You can share these bases through StreetPass or with QR codes, and battle your friends! Decorate your base, and establish the battle rules for your friends to fight you with, and it’s like your very own gym! You can also recruit people you like as Secret Pals, where a representation of their character can hang out in your base. Coming in from Pokémon Diamond, Pokémon Pearl and Pokémon Platinum are Secret Base flags, where you can steal your friend’s flags from their own bases. Back in 2003, Pokémon Contests were introduced; where Pokémon trainers tried to win the crowd’s approval to see who could be the coolest, the toughest, the most beautiful, the smartest or the cutest. These contests appear again, this time as the Pokémon Contest Spectacular. Also involved in the Pokémon Cont est Spectacular is the Cosplaying Pikachu. After acquiring, this Pi- kachu can dress up in five different outfits and gaining exclusive moves not normally known; Pikachu Rock Star gets Meteor Mash, Pikachu, Ph.D. gets Electric Terrain, Pikachu Pop Star gets Draining Kiss, Pikachu Belle gets Icicle Crash and Pikachu Libre gets Flying Press. When the games drop, The Pokémon Company International has even announced that for a limited time, there’ll be an online event where Pokémon trainers can download a shiny Beldum holding a Metagrossite, giving it the ability to mega evolve later in the game. If this is going to be your first trip to Hoenn, your first trip in a long time or you never left, Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire is already shaping up to be a wild ride. Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire release exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS on November 21th, 2014. FORMAT: NINTENDO 3DS RELEASE: 28 NOVEMBER 2014 RATING: CTC Written by Sasha Karen