Live Magazine September 2014 Volume 9/2014 | Page 50

preview BORDERLANDS: THE PRE-SEQUEL All the frantic fun of the Borderlands universe will be shot straight to the moon in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel as a crazy cast of characters (including everyone’s favourite Claptrap) unite to kill things and get loot. The Borderlands franchise has made a name for itself as a role-playing shooter, with twisted humour and stylistic design. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel is almost a home-grown effort as its being developed by 2K Australia, with just a little help from the developers of Borderlands and Borderlands 2, Gearbox Software. rowing from their both previous titles, from writing, to aesthetics, to the characters themselves. For the eagle eyed Borderlands enthusiast, they might have already spotted that all the playable characters in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, are NPC’s who have appeared in the franchise in one way or another. It also sees the return of former, or more accurately future antagonist, Handsome Jack, as he attempts to capture the Hyperion Moonbase with the aid of his henchmen, the game’s four main characters, Athena, Wilhelm, Nisha, and Claptrap. The game is set on the moon, telling the tale of the moon and Hyperion moon base that players could wistfully gaze up into in previous Borderlands games. By setting it here, the developers are hoping to satisfy the player’s desire to go where no Vault Gearbox CEO, Randy Pitchford, has stated that Handsome Jack’s inclusion would show how some acts ‘can be morally ambiguous’, with people doing ‘bad things for possibly the right reasons’. As a pre-sequel, it will take the player from Handsome and the Mechromancer. Other additions to the game, such as new gameplay and weapons mechanics, are being implemented, such as the ability to use ice weapons, an elemental effect which was previously not used in the franchise. As an extension of the influence of the Australian developer, there will be a healthy dose of Australian humour and culture injected into the final product, with cricket themed side missions, references to Mad Max and the inhabitants of the moon essentially just being Australians themselves. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel aims to mix up some of the old with a lot of the new, and provide a perfect tie in to both the first and second games while being able to stand “AS AN EXTENSION OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE AUSTRALIAN DEVELOPER, THERE WILL BE A HEALTHY DOSE OF AUSTRALIAN HUMOUR..” Hunter has gone before, by setting it before the events of Borderlands 2, and allowing the events and action to ramp up to a point before where Borderlands 2 kicks off. Despite being the ‘pre-sequel’, the game looks to be injecting new life into the franchise, while also bor- Jack’s original morally good intentions to morally ruined individual he becomes by the beginning the Borderlands 2. The playable characters come with new classes and a range of skills that are hopefully in the same realm of cool and zany as the Gunzerker alone as a fully fledged Borderlands game in its own right. With a release date set for later this year, expect lasers and loot to be flying at you very soon. Written by Miranda Nelson