Live Magazine September 2014 Volume 9/2014 | Page 30
Metal Gear Solid director (he’s directed all the games) Hideo Kojima
recently complained that he got upset recently watching Breaking Bad
that he got upset because so few
games, if any, attempt that level of
artistic statement and endeavour.
Kojima’s Metal Gear Solid series
is, ironically, one of the most auteur
driven series out there, and is totally distinct with its use of heavy real
world theme such as genetics, memeitics, racism, war, revenge, and a
side of totally surreal humour.
Following the decades long exploits
of legendary soldiers Big Boss (Metal Gear Solids: 3, Peace Walker,
and V) and Solid Snake (Metal Gear
Solids: 1,2 and 4) Metal Gear pre-
sents a narrative that, while at times
as confusing as anything this side
of Resident Evil, is also one of the
most poignant, moving, and thrilling
narratives of video games. Kojima’s
style may not be everyone’s cup of
tea, but Metal Gear Solid stands out
from the crowd of grey styled military
shooters and the like.
Metal Gear Solid’s characters are
memorable, and the gameplay gets
better with each iteration and redefines stealth gameplay each time.
Truly blockbusters in every sense
of the world, each Metal Gear game
places you as the action star in the
best version of whatever action movie comes to mind. Metal Gear Solid
also delivers some memorable boss
fights using interactivity and visuals
in a way that only video games are
able to do, Pscyho Mantis, The End,
and Liquid Ocelot being among the
most memorable. If you’re looking
for one to play straight away I’d suggest playing in order of release, or
you can start with MGS 3 as it is the
earliest entry in the series chronology – but starting with 1 is a great
place to start, and even almost 20
years later you’ll be amazed at its
ambition and level of immersion that
AAA games even today can’t match.
My personal favourite of the series
is MGS3, a game so wonderfully executed simultaneously in gameplay,
graphics, and story creating an experience you will always remember.
Written by Alex Holmes