Live Magazine June Issue 2017 June July Magazine Spiderman | Page 84

was dead-set on the campaign, and didn’t give my suggestions much play. These conversations went on over some time, without an end. At some point Sean just started build- ing terrain. Sean: Perhaps strangely, I never totally shunned the idea of a few points match games. That sec- tion, hidden away in the back of the rules-manual, always struck me as a curiosity - however it just doesn’t “feel” like Mordheim. Mordheim, for me at least, was always a vessel for telling a story. A collection of narra- tive games, or a loose campaign, of which all added up to something greater than the sum of its parts. Needless to say, I was extremely impressed (and perhaps equally surprised) when Ben presented me with a narrative campaign he’d writ- ten as though he plucked it from The Pit. Ben: Not long afterward Sean be- gan his terrain building and had as- sembled a whole bunch of buildings, I got inspired to put some campaign material together. Sean has an old Carnival of Chaos warband he’d done up for Armies on Parade, and won, so I think that was fresh in my mind and ultimately could be where the spark of inspiration came from. I thought about what happens when the carnival comes to town; how the people feel about it, what they’ve heard about from rumours, and how they react. I didn’t really tell him though, I just started quietly outlining a story. This was about the carnival coming to town, and the ‘good folk’ who’d heard the stories of horror rallying against it. On the other side would be those who were aligned with the chaos powers, and those who ei- ther didn’t care or enjoyed the an- archy, they’d be all for the carnival’s arrival. I like