Live Magazine June Issue 2017 June July Magazine Spiderman | Page 79

ERO MOVIES EVER MADE! superhero film and inject depth and intelligence. It really does stand tall among the ever blurring together Marvel Cinematic Universe. Split (2016) Ha! Bet you didn’t see that com- ing! Also spoiler alert, yes Split is a superhero film! Well to be more ac- curate it’s a super-villain film. Split is essentially Unbreakable 2, the sequel to M. Night Shyamalan’s groundbreaking masterpiece. Split is the ultimate super-villain origin story. Nothing Marvel and DC have done even comes close to this in setting up a compelling and inter- esting villain. The film received a lot of flack for not being an accurate depiction of mental illness... Well, here’s the thing... It’s a damn super- hero movie! Not a documentary. The Avengers (2012) Yes Marvel’s The Avengers. The film that showed us that having that big a cast can work, although only if they are fighting Loki. The Avengers was an absolute blast. It smashed box office records and became a worldwide sensation. What more can you say about it? “Kneel!”