Live Magazine June Issue 2017 June July Magazine Spiderman | Page 77

thing called ‘ black box theatre ’ where there ’ s very minimal props , and I think it ’ s incredibly ... freeing actually . I think a lot of people look and they go ‘ yeah , but there ’ s nothing here to work with ’, and so yeah , or there ’ s everything here to work with . And what ’ s great about it is if you really focus on the connection with the characters it doesn ’ t matter what ’ s around you .
The technology has come to the point where they ’ ll have monitors up and you can actually now in real time see what it ’ s gonna look like , in rough sketch type form . But that connection with the actor is the same as it is when you ’ re doing stage , except of course you ’ re gonna take 2 , 3 or 4 . The only other thing is now with all the facial capture the makeup is very ... you know , they have to do the facial dots and things like that , but the flip side , live action , like Pretty Little Liars I ’ ve done for 7 seasons and then Con Man with Alan Tudyk and Nathan Fillion that we ’ ve done . It ’ s pretty amazing because when you do live action it ’ s wardrobe , and then there ’ s massive makeup and hair , and we shoot one one side of the scene , then they have to relight and turn it all around , and it ’ s so time consuming , and I think one of the things I love about voice over and motion capture is , well , it ’ s all done at once . So in many ways I prefer a lot of the motion capture and the animation and things like that because ... I ’ m lazy . It ’ s so great . I don ’ t have to shave , I don ’ t cleaned up . I can just sit there and roll in some coffee . We do a couple of scenes and I ’ m home to pick up my kid from school . You don ’ t do on location . I had a small role in a show in Atlanta . It was supposed to be in and out , 3 days and be back in time for my son ’ s birthday , and it rained for 6 straight days . I was there for 11 days and it ’ s the only time I ’ ve ever missed one of my kid ’ s birthdays , and that ’ s a privilege , and voice over affords me that . But I ’ m happy to do everything . At this point in my career it ’ s just ‘ what excites me ?’ ‘ what gets me going ?’ and quite frankly , there ’ s a lot of good writing and a lot of good roles in gaming and animation . It ’ s just fun .
Paul : Thankyou for your time Nolan , it ’ s been a pleasure .
Nolan : Absolutely , thankyou .