Live Magazine June Issue 2017 June July Magazine Spiderman | Page 70

Paul: And of all of the people who sang the Dragonball Kai theme, yours was the one that was chosen for broadcast. Vic: Well I was very grateful. I was very honoured. In fact I was asked by Funimation to record that, and then some other voice actors kinda decided to record it as well, but I re- ally enjoyed doing that song. In fact, just a few hours ago, at my panel, I sang it live here, at Supanova. I plugged my phone in and... kick it up, you know! (Vic sings a few bars of Dragon Soul). Paul: All we need is the backing track now. Which I actually have on here! I have it! Scotty. Grant Imahara from Myth Busters playing Sulu. We’ve had 7 million views and won a dozen awards. I’m very very proud of what we’ve accomplished. I started it out as merely, just my love letter to Star Trek. I wanted to say “thankyou” to that series, that meant so much to me when I was young, and it’s been so gratifying that so many people have enjoyed it. Paul: Now there are 8 episodes re- ally at the moment. How many do you have planned? Vic: 11 total, and 9, 10 and 11 have already been shot. We’re editing them and preparing them right now and they will all be released this year. Vic: Hahaha! Paul: No previews at Supanova? Paul: Star Trek Continues is a series you’re involved in. Live action, it’s has been acclaimed and endorsed by Rod Roddenberry as well. Vic: Many, many people, thankfully, have really enjoyed there series. Not only am I involved in it, I cre- ated it. I started it, I’m the executive producer, I play Captain Kirk. It’s a childhood dream project. It’s like my passion project. Paul: And you’ve got your fellow Funimation alum involved, you’ve got... Vic: Todd Haberkorn playing Spock, Chuck Huber playing McCoy, Chris Doohan playing his father’s role as Vic: Nooooo, oh any gosh, but I’ve gotta tell ya: 9 is amazing, and wait till you see the guest star. 10 and 11 is a 2 parter, series finale. Paul: Will they be released together, or will fans have to wait? Vic: They’ll be released a couple of weeks apart. Not at the same time, because that kinda ruins the fun of the anticipation, but they’re not go- ing to be released months apart. I think they’ll be released a few weeks apart. Paul: Brilliant. In closing, do you have a message for the fans? Vic: My message is simple, I love you. God bless you for your kindness to me. I never cease to be amazed, never. You know, I told Daniel here, who runs Supanova the other day. We were back behind the partition in Gold Coast, and I was walking up and Daniel was behind the partition. He goes “Bro, you’ve got a mas- sive queue!” And I said to him “you know, any show I do, anywhere on the planet, something in the back of my mind is afraid that this is going to be the show that I’m gonna step out and nobody’s going to be there. It’s always in the back of my mind that the day is coming, when you rode that wave, but it’s done now. People are used to you, they’ve seen you or they’ve met you or whatever, and they’re not going to be there. I say that to say that I do not in any way take for granted eve- ry time I do a show and fans come out to say hello, or get an autograph or get a picture, I am so tremen- dously honoured by their support and their kindness, and I hope they know that. And, any chance I get I any inter- view, when somebody says to me, as you just did, “do you have a mes- sage for the fans”, my message is “thankyou. I love you, for your kind- ness to me”. Paul: And thankyou. We love you Vic Mignogna. Vic: Thankyou.