Live Magazine June Issue 2017 June July Magazine Spiderman | Page 66

YOUR SAY INTERVIEW A SUPA INTER Paul: I am sitting here, at Supanova Melbourne with with the one and only Vic Mignogna. Vic: Hey. Paul: I hope that’s how it’s pro- nounced. (Min-ya-na) Vic: Oh yes! You nailed it! You nailed it Paul. Paul: Haha, I practiced! So, Broly from Dragonball! Vic: Haha. Paul: You’ve been in over 200 dif- ferent series. Vic: Oh, 300. Paul: 300 now. Vic: Oh yeah. Paul: I’ve been trying to interview you for quite some time, but every time I nearly do you do more work, so there’s just such a long list of things to talk about. Vic: Haha, well, thank god. That’s a very fortunate problem to have, so I’m very grateful. Paul: It is. Now the first thing I no- ticed, when I was lining up today for autographs was your fanbase. You have a massive fanbase who love you, and you get out there, you interact with them, you give them hugs and you talk to them all indi- vidually... conventions that do it as well, or certainly any better than Supanova. Vic: I love them. Paul: So let’s just talk about a cou- ple of them... Paul: Certainly not. Now, I wanted to address a couple of different se- ries. You’ve been in 300 roughly... Vic: Mmm, hmm... Paul: And they love you! Vic: Sure... Vic: I am so profoundly grateful for the fact that people have enjoyed the work that I’ve done. The anime fans are, in my estimate, probably the most enthusiastic, sup portive, kind fans, and so I want to make sure that they all know how much they mean to me and how grateful I am for the privilege to do what I do. So I would be remiss not to share that with them. Paul: And Australian fans, because you’ve been here quite a few times. Vic: Oh my gosh! I love Australia so much! I think the first time I came here was 10 plus years ago, to Su- panova, and ever since I have just really, really cherished every chance to come back, and I am continually amazed and humbled by the turn- out. The fans are so supportive and enthusiastic. I look for any ex- cuse to come back here. I love it. And the people that run Supanova are the best. I mean, they’re among the best in the world. I do a lot of conventions and there aren’t many Paul: So you are probably best known to Dragonball fans as Broly, the legendary super saiyan. What are your feelings on the character? It’s a little bit of a mixed bag with fans. Some people think the was just a muscle bound beefcake who pretty much just said “KAKKAR- OT!!” Vic: Hahaha. You know what? I’ve been very fortunate that fans, at least the DBZ fans that I’ve met really like Broly. I mean, he doesn’t have a very intricate personality. He doesn’t have many facets to his character. He’s a bad dude and wants to cause trouble, but the DBZ fans have really embraced him. In fact I wish I had a nickel for every time somebody said “why don’t they bring Broly into the prime uni- verse?” You know, “why don’t they make him part of the prime uni- verse?” I would love that. My feeling about the character is that it’s re- ally hard to do, it’s very hard on my voice, physically, because it’s very