Live Magazine June Issue 2017 June July Magazine Spiderman | Page 48

ga 500, the Atari ST, the Am- strad PC 1512 and Microsoft released MS-DOS 3.2 for the IBM PC. Looking back at it all you can see the revolution in progress. Better graphics, sound, controllers and games with more detail and story lines. Many being released on multi- ple disks. The late 80s saw advances in consoles like the Gameboy in 1989, Sega’s Game Gear, the SNES from Nintendo and in the early 90s we see the CD be- come part of gaming with the CD-ROM format. Sega release their Sega CD as an add on to their Genesis but it’s expen- sive as an add on to a system you’ve already paid for. The 3DO makes it’s debut in 1993 with systems using this format manufactured by Sanyo, Gold- star and Panasonic. It went on to be Time Magazine’s Product of the Year in 1993 but didn’t sell in the same numbers as competitors like the SNES or, later in the mid 90s, the Sega Saturn and the giants of the mid 90s, the Nintendo 64 and Sony Playstation. Those two systems one from long term video game con- sole manufacture, Nintendo and the other from new com- er, Sony changed the console market. Sega struggled after many years of being the main competitor to Nintendo, it was now Sony vs Nintendo. The first Playstation went on to sell a whopping 104 million units world wide (according to VG Charts) and the N64 32 million. The PC too, was a serious sys- tem for gamers, VGA and Su- per VGA graphics along with sound cards saw DOS claim