Live Magazine June Issue 2017 June July Magazine Spiderman | Page 38
Q: Just to get started, talk
about how concurrently this
was developed with Civil War
and what sort of foundation
that provided for you when
you started developing Spi-
der-Man: Homecoming.
Watts: Tom was hired right
around when I was hired. And I
went to Atlanta when they were
shooting Captain America: Civil
Q: Did you feel like the suc-
cess of Civil War – and the
reception to Spider-Man –
emboldened you or gave you
an advantage when you were
sort of constructing what this
was going to be?
Watts: Yes, it’s great. I was
there when they shot the scene
between Tony and Peter in his
bedroom and you see that and
you’re like oh, this works. This
is great. And you also see that
there was this amazing chem-
istry between Tony and Peter
that you just want to see more
of that. So that became a really
good jumping off point for us
to decide what sort of story we
wanted to tell.
Q: How easy or difficult was
it to use the superhero ele-
ment to amplify that journey?
Watts: Well, when you’re 15 you
feel like everything is the end of
the world, whether or not that
crush is going to talk to you or
whether or not the world is go-
ing to be destroyed by Chitauri
aliens. Everything is the end of
the world. So it lets you take all
of this stuff and amplify it to a
fun and funny level.
Q: You talk about fun. What
sort of tone were you aiming
Watts: Like Fish Tank. I mean,
my favorite movies are a little
bit of everything because that’s
what growing up feels like.
Sometimes it’s funny, some-
times it’s annoying, sometimes
it’s thrilling and sometimes it’s
a little sad. So by having that as
our framework, it allows you to
do everything.
Q: How did that enable you to
avoid revisiting certain mo-
ments of Spider-Man mythol-
ogy that audiences may have
seen before?
Watts: Well, it frees you up to
just have fun with the charac-
ter in the world. Because we’re
starting after the origin story,
we don’t have to do any of that
legwork and we don’t have
to do any universe building in
that way that they had to do in
the previous Spider-Man films