Live Magazine June Issue 2017 June July Magazine Spiderman | Page 25


“ I chose to cosplay Wonder Woman as she is the ultimate super heroine ! I think she is a great role model for children and to show that girls can be tough too ! :)”
- Amy Donaghey
“ She ’ s brave . She has courage . She looks amazing in her curves . She ’ s quite a symbol to all women . I also want to develope even more my WW cosplay and take her to more cons .”
- Sara Vilda
“ I nominate my Princess Kuno Yuro . She is truly amazing and all heart when it comes to making children smile n inspiring young girls around her to better themselves . She selfishly puts others ahead of her n does more than just charities n hospital visits . But strives to make anyone life better . And is first to offer herself to donate her time to helping her community better .
As a child her inspiration was Lynda Carter n believes in the principles of what Wonder Woman stood for . I am forever honored when I get to work with her . :)”
- Matches Malone
“ Why Wonder Woman ? Because she ’ s not just as a superhero , but a hero with a heart .”
- Victoria Hofferson