Live Magazine June Issue 2017 June July Magazine Spiderman | Page 159

INTERVIEWED BY ANNY SIMMS Welcome to LIVE Magazine Cassie! Could you tell our readers a bit about yourself? Thanks! My name is Cassie and I’m a 21 year old cosplayer from Can- berra! Online I go by Rose Cosplay, and I love to cosplay a mix between anime and video game characters. I’ve been cosplaying for about 8 years now, primarily at Sydney con- ventions and occasionally in Canber- ra and Melbourne. My main hobbies include video games, anime, board games and tabletop RPG’s! How did you discover cosplay? In high school I studied Japanese, and there was a poster in my Japa- nese classroom for a convention in Sydney called Animania! My friends and I talked about going, and in Sep- tember 2009 we all made the trip together and we attended our very first convention! Looking it up gave us a very vague idea of cosplay, and I made a backpack that looked like a character from my favourite ani- me at the time (Kagura from Fruits Basket), thinking that I didn’t want to stand out too much. When I got there, and saw all the brightly col- oured wigs and elaborate costumes my mind changed immediately, and after that I decided cosplay was for me. It all seemed so fantastical, and I desperately wanted to be one of those people in the big, beautiful cosplays. Ever since, I’ve been striv- ing for that. What’s your favourite con to attend? My favourite definitely is PAX Aus- tralia. Of all the Australian conven- tions I have attended, PAX has the most to see and do. While some conventions can feel a little repeti- tive after a few years, PAX always brings in new and exciting things for me to watch and play and take part in. I’ll always make sure to plan at least one day out of cosplay so I can go around the convention floor and play all the indie games, line up for the VR demos and spend all my money on board games. What’s the most challenging part about choosing and making cosplay? The most challenging part for me is starting a new costume! I’m the kind of person that can’t leave a job half done, often sacrificing sleep to fin- ish something I’ve started. If I haven’t started yet, I feel a little less obliga- tion to get going with it however. Once I get the ball rolling and just pick one part of the cosplay to start, even if it is as small as jewellery, the momentum from that keeps me go- ing and it becomes much easier to finish. What has cosplay added to your life? A whole lot of amazing connections and friends I never would have oth- erwise met. It’s like having a huge friendship circle that are all into the same nerdy stuff as you, and I don’t ever have to worry about talk- ing about my nerdy interests online and having friends not understand. Before cosplay my circle of friends that shared my interests in anime and games was very, very small, but once I started I met so many new and wonderful people at conven- tions, and they have become some of the best and most supportive friends I have. For a long time it also gave me something to look forward to in the year, and something to work towards when work and life got too repetitive and mundane. Any tips for someone just starting to get into cosplay? Don’t worry about whether a cosplay will suit you or whether people will ‘get it’ or recognize you, just pick a character you love! There is no way to do cosplay ‘wrong’. The most fun I have in cosplay is when I am dressed as a character that I really like and enjoy. The best part of my day is al- ways when other fans of the series come up and talk to me about it, or yell the character’s catchphrase at me, or even something as simple as taking a photo with me and saying how much they like the character. It gives me just a brief connection with someone else that shares my love of the character, and it feels so nice when people get excited about it with you. Cosplay is for fun! So if you’re not going to have fun doing it, there is no point in doing it. Wear something that will make you feel good, and at the end of the day it will be worth it. Are there any games you’re looking forward to, or are currently enjoying playing? I’m really looking forward to getting to play Persona 5! I’m also very ex-