Live Magazine June Issue 2017 June July Magazine Spiderman | Page 140

YOUR SAY gaming TOP 10 GAMES S (REA With the Switch launch in the re- cord books, and with many small and large-scale projects an- nounced for the future, it seems as good a time as any to daydream about a Switch software wishlist. Before we start, let’s set a few ground rules. Everything on this list needs to be realistic. There won’t be any titles that require bleeding-edge tech- nology, nor will there be titles from publishers reluctant to support Nintendo’s newest platform. Don’t expect Titanfall 2 or Mass Effect Andromeda on this list. In addition, every property needs to be either controlled by Nintendo or inde- pendently owned. There will be no Bloodborne or Sunset Overdrive on Switch. With that house- keeping out of the way, let’s dive in!