Live Love Aspire - Welcome Edition Issue 01/Welcome Edition | Page 9

So fellas, I know you’ve been hurt by women not appreciating you for the great things you do but please don’t give up on us. We really do need you a LOT. We love when you open the door for us, help us with our groceries, take out the garbage, lift heavy boxes, mow the lawn, shovel snow for us, kill the creepy crawly spiders, change the oil in our cars, listen to us go on and on and on about our inconsiderate bosses, and forgive us when we can’t tell the difference between a quarterback and a cornerback!

We admit that we forget about you sometimes but we promise to pay more attention to all the wonderful ways you treat us. We admire your strength when we become weak ourselves and how you go out and fight in this cold world just to ensure your family has what it takes to survive. You are our backbone and we wouldn’t exist (both literally and physically!) without you. If we ever forget to say thank you, just know we didn’t mean it. Just give us a little nudge and wake us up!

Thank You!

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