Live in Caregiver What You Should Know Before Hiring A Caregiver | Página 8

Hiring a Private Caregiver • Is Empathetic • In order for the caregiver to provide their best care, they need to build a level of comfort and understanding with the patient. They need to form a strong bond of connection with the patient. If the patient does not feel comfortable with the caregiver, it will be very hard for the patient to be taken care of. • Is Patient • In the industry of caregiving, patience is an extremely valuable quality that caregivers need to possess. Not that it is easy to do so, but caregivers need to show tolerance and endurance with the patients. They will face many challenges along the way. It could be that the patient is not willing to eat their food or take their medicine on time. They could be obstinate and not listen to what they are told to do.