Live in Caregiver What You Should Know Before Hiring A Caregiver | Page 3
Top Caregiver Duties to Know
• Keep Ta s of the Patie t’s Medi atio Re ui e e ts
• Ca egi e s a e e pe ted to e a a e of thei patie t’s edi atio s hedule. The
need to monitor and make sure the patient has been given the medicines on time.
Caregivers are supposed to make sure that the care plan designed for the patient is
followed strictly.
• Give Assistance as Required
• This is one of the primary reasons a caregiver is expected from. The patient is not
able to perform their simple needs by themselves. They feel the need to depend on
someone who will help and aid them whenever need be. Their needs can range from
bathing, changing their clothes, drinking water or even peeling a banana.
• Prepare Special Meals
• There are many cases where the patient is recommended to follow a specific meal
intake. In times like these, a caregiver can be of great help. Who better than a
caregiver to monitor the nutrition intake and ensure that it is fully provided. A
caregiver also takes the responsibility of feeding the patient patiently and good-