Live in Caregiver Elder-Care-Made-Easy | Page 8

Things to Do If an Elder Member of the Family Is Dealing with Alzheimer’s • • • • Try to remain focus on the positive things and always address them in an adult voice. Remember that baby talk can put them off the edge. You must respect them for who they were and who they still are. Never argue with them and do not attempt to correct them because this can lead to aggressive behaviour. For instance, if they are talking about a grown-up family member as a child you can ask them more about the person and show the picture of that family member’s childhood to prompt conversation. Reading and singing are the abilities, which are usually preserved until later in the Alzheimer’s disease. You may sing songs to them, let them listen to music and read them stories from their childhood. It may seem hard but always try to agree with them. Attempting to bring them back to reality may not work and worsen the condition. Instead, you can use what they are saying to extend conversations which might interest them.