Litigation & ADR report 2015 | 页面 5

Litigation & ADR annual report of negotiations rather than just proceedings.” Aggressive pricing Sierra says clients are becoming more pushy in terms of fees – in the last two years, he says there is a “clear tendency to ask for lower fees and lower rates”. Sierra adds: “Usually clients who provide a greater volume of work get a higher discount. However, we see in the market that some clients assume unnecessary risk by choosing their arbitration counsel for a specific case largely based on offers that are exceptionally aggressive on pricing.” Baker & McKenzie partner José María Alonso says clients are more price-sensitive, demanding “higher value and more predictable pricing structures”. He adds: “Consequently, client requirements demand pricing to be based not so much on hourly rates as on fixed or capped fees – additionally, clients now demand a closer relationship between the outcome of the case and the fees, with an increased use of success fees.” Ramón Fernández-Aceytuno, partner at Ramón y Cajal, says a major challenge facing law firms is “making their attorneys understand which factors make ADR appropriate and encouraging them to educate their clients and also assist them in choosing the most appropriate process”. Pedro Rodríguez Rodero, managing partner at Ontier, argues clients will need to change their culture to adopt ADR: “Litigation is the way to solve conflicts in Spain.” Meanwhile, Cristina Coto, partner at CMS Albiñana & Suárez de Lezo, says when clients have to make a decision about investments, one of the first aspects they examine is the “state of justice”. She adds: “They want to solve any litigation they might get involved in as fast and as secure a way as possible, with the clearest legislation – thus, they are demanding justice as a competitive factor. Encourage mediation says the best method to resolve conflict is negotiation between the parties. He adds: “In our law firm we think that, if is possible, a negotiated solution is always the best thing for the customer. However, when such a solution is not feasible, arbitration is the best system of dispute resolution.” Olleros Abogados partner Iñigo Rodríguez-Sastre says, with regard to new opportunities, the firm is focusing its efforts on corporate compliance-related matters. He adds: “In addition, we have Portugal: BES litigation invested substantial resources in Frederico Gonçalves Pereira, intellectual property, litigation partner at Vieira de Almeida & and media disputes as we think Associados says the crisis involving audiovisual cases will increase Banco Espírito Santo (BES) and in the near future.” Meanwhile, Grupo Espírito Santo (GES) has Santiago Martínez Lage, managing given rise to a considerable amount partner of Martínez Lage, of litigation. He adds: “In fact, the Allendesalazar & Brokelmann, says: crisis brought very different and “I honestly believe that mediation technically complex disputes to the is something we should encourage Portuguese market.” PLMJ partner between everyone, clients and José Miguel Júdice says, in addition lawyers, for the benefit of everyone, to BES-related litigation, there have including clients and lawyers.” also been a lot of insolvency and Pablo Calvo-Sotelo Ibáñez-Martin, restructuring-related disputes. partner at Roca Junyent, argues Meanwhile, he adds that alternative that increasing the use of mediation dispute resolution work will will involve spreading I honestly believe that mediation awareness, not is something we should encourage only among clients, but also between everyone, clients and among members lawyers, for the benefit of everyone, of the legal including clients and lawyers. profession, that Santiago Martínez Lage, Martínez mediation is “an increasingly Lage, Allendesalazar & Brokelmann credible alternative to going to court”. With regard to generate an increase in revenue arbitration, Luis García del Río, in the coming year, particularly partner at García Del Río, Larrañaga international arbitration and & Jimenez Bonilla Abogados, says possibly also mediation. clients are demanding a speedy Francisco Cortez, partner at procedure for “seeking provisional Morais Leitão, Galvão Teles, Soares measures, based on an emergency da Silva & Associados, says that one arbitrator”. of the major recent trends has been Gallego, Martos y Quadraa move “away from the billable Salcedo Abogados partner Andrés hour”, with lawyers assuming more de la Quadra-Salcedo says the risk, especially in the case of large “reactivation of international firms representing larger corporate commerce is increasing litigation clients. He adds that clients want with an international nature and more predictability in legal spend, this will force medium and small and alternatives to the billable hour, law firms to look for best friends namely success fees and fixed fees. in other jurisdictions”. He adds Abreu Advogados partner José that, in the meantime, the expected Maria Corrêa de Sampaio says there increase in foreign investment will has been an increase in the use of offer local firms more opportunities ADR, particularly arbitration. “The to “support foreign law firms and use of ADR aims to reduce the foreign clients in Spain”. Julio number of litigation proceedings Romero, director at Benow Partners, pending in state courts, while “ ” January / February 2015 • IBERIAN LAWYER • 41 >>