Lithuania (edition 6) Lithuania_edition6 | Page 8

The Great Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language The Great Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language is one of the largest lexicographic works in the world. In 2002, the last Volume 20 was published. The print version has 22,000 pages. Interactive Museum of the Lithuanian Language The center of Lithuanian studies was established in 2006. It is the only inter- active museum of Lithuanian language in Lithuania. The aim of the center of Lithuanian studies is to present the latest linguistics knowledge to the public in an attractive and modern form, to educate the so- ciety on topical issues of language use, to raise the prestige of the Lithuanian language. There are many documents, books and linguistic items important to the lan- guage in the center of Lithuanian studies, but the museum is distinguished by its unique language toys. In this exhibit you will be convinced that language is not just about grammar and punctuation, it is a lively, fun phenomenon that can be played and even touched by hand! Why is it challenging for foreigners to pronounce the name of Vilnius? Why is it challenging for foreigners to pronounce the name of Vilnius? There’s a letter in the Lithua- nian language, that shows a necessary contrast be- tween written and spoken language. That strange letter - the sign of softness. For other people, they read it as written, and can not suppose that the second only softens the pro- nunciation, but is not pronounced itself.