The prettiest word - “ačiū” (thank you)
In 2008, it was elected as the most beautiful Lithu-
anian word. The words “Lietuva” (Lithuania) and
“lakštingala” (nightingale) were not far behind from
becoming the most beautiful Lithuanian words.
Most frustrated and annoying words to many
seemed to be “ta prasme” (in that sense).
In 2010, the national verb of the twentieth was cho-
sen “emigruoti” (to emigrate) and the verb-noun
“tikėjimas” (faith.)
Lithuanian language is rich
Lithuanian language is incredibly generous and rich in synonyms, by which we can energize and enrich
our language. For example: Homeland – Birthplace - tėvynė - gimtinė, tėviškė, tėvainė, augtinė, and etc.
Lithuanians are very often using minority and pleasant words. Sometimes, the words are decorated and
diversify our stories. There are words that can not be translated into other languages. These words are
the historical or cultural legacy of the Lithuanian nation. The word “go” has 23 meanings in Lithuanian.
Lithuanian language is ric Phraseologisms adorn the language
Lithuanian national dictation
Lithuanian national dictation started in 2006. It is
an international competition for adults and pupils
to promote literacy. The main goal of organizers is
to encourage people to be proud of the unique Lith-
uanian language, to speak and write it correctly.
Anyone who wants to test their Lithuanian spelling
skills can participate.
An idiom connection vividly shows that separate word meaning, usually described by the users outlook
about the discussed thing. In the idiom connections lies humane experience, our people’s wisdom, they are
normally full of irony and wit. Even the simplest thought can be described by an idiom, it becomes more
impressive, more attractive to the eye.