• What were the first impressions on arrival?
They seemed a very friendly family, amusing and friendly boy. They took very
good care of me.
• How did the participants from other countries meet you?
They met very warmly. At first it was a little bit uncomfortable, but later every-
thing was good. Most of them were not very talkative, but the Polish girls were
singing and later talking to us. Most of the time, children from other countries
spoke to each other, only teachers approached and talked more with us.
The first international learning activity (Short-
term exchanges of groups of pupils) has just
finished. We are questioning Ema, Ugne and
Skomantas, who were in an international
team in Romania on March 4-8. It is curious
to know how they were doing and what they
have learned.
• What learning activities did you like most?
I really liked looking for hints. Just one minus that the majority spoke in their
own language and didn’t explain what to do. I really liked the art lesson because
the teacher had a good sense of humor, she taught us how to make postcards
in different techniques, and the works were beautiful and creative. I liked IT
lessons because they had creative tasks in teams and I had the opportunity not
only to create quizzes but also to have fun communicating. We had interesting
tasks in English lesson - guessing the animals from the description. During one
lesson we watched pupils’ presentations about dinosaurs, space, Minecraft. I
was surprised by the fact that the projects were carried out by children on large
sheets of paper, they made a lot of effort and used PC only a little. I did not see