Litha Edition | Page 19

How important is sexuality
M : It ’ s different for every practitioner . Some witches incorporate sexuality into their craft but there are also asexual witches who do not have any sexual desires . to witch cra t ? f k




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What is a sex witch ?

M : Anyone that practices sex magick , which is a vast and varied type of magick . Even if you are just seeking out your own sexual pleasure , in a mindful spiritual way , you ’ re practicing .
How important is sexuality

M : It ’ s different for every practitioner . Some witches incorporate sexuality into their craft but there are also asexual witches who do not have any sexual desires . to witch cra t ? f k

T : I think sexuality is extremely important to a witch , especially for women . The life force , or sacral energy , comes from within us . u



M : You do not need feminine energy to perform sex magic . You can be male or non-binary and still practice . T : Never allow anyone to dictate your body or what you decide to do with it .

Any advice for beginners ? un