Litha Edition | Page 11

6 practice and it ’ s the result of it , too .

It gave me the final push I needed to start researching , from a journalist ’ s perspective , without the feeling I ’ d suffered before of being put into boxes .
And through professional help , I ’ m in a considerably better place , though my craft is still highly focused on positivity , self-love , and care for myself and the world around me .
The importance of shadow work is also something that ’ s kept my interest , as it has real-world benefits that go beyond my craft . It encourages us to think deeply about ourselves , helping us to get to know ourselves better and bring the unconscious into the conscious .
Like I said , I ’ m not claiming that witchcraft has solved all my problems . I think that would be disingenuous , false , and dangerous . You ’ re not going to discover any cure for an illness or a problem in your craft . But that doesn ’ t mean it doesn ’ t have its benefits .
Witchcraft has a lot of similarities with other types of therapy . Shadow work encourages deep introspection in order to come to terms with the good and the bad . Daily meditation means you can carve out a space in your day to breathe and be alone , even if it ’ s just for ten minutes . The act of spellwork can help you visualise your goals and work more consciously to achieve them .
While it ’ s not fixed my brain chemistry , witchcraft has given me grounding and support network that I really value – and has brought a little magick into my life .
If you ’ re struggling with your mental health , help is available . Contact Mind on weekdays at 0300 123 3393 , Samaritans 24 / 7 on 116 123 , or PAPYRUS 24 / 7 ( children ) on 0800 068 4141 . You ’ re not alone . ☾