Literary Magazine 2015 Literary Force Magazine Vol. 1 | Page 45

A Fool ’ s Delusion
Alex had just fallen asleep . The day passed , languidly , and he was finally able to rest . He had come from high school , that , uncontrollable , emotional rollercoaster , where he could be happy and hopeful during 3 rd period and depressed and hopeless during 6 th period . He knew , however , that when he lay his head on that pillow , everything was forgotten and the day would reset . This is how he felt about high school ; it was an unpredictable loop .
Recently , however , something happened . He fell in love , or at least that ’ s what he believed , for he was never sure if it was love or attraction , either way he wanted her . He liked her , a lot . It was hard to find someone he got along with ; He was so happy . Every time he spoke to her he wanted to declare the love he had for her . He wanted to hold her close , to protect her , to let her know he will always be there for her , to put her interests above his , to please her ; but , he would be reminded about the reality of the situation . She was taken . His world would crumble on his way home . When he was with her he did not care , it was only when she was away he acknowledge this reality . His hopes of having someone would diminish on his way home , causing him to spiral down a pit of depression , only to be pulled out the next morning when he saw her . This had become a regular day at school for Alex .
One morning he had an interesting dream , the first he had ever written down :
“ I was in a room with her . The room was odd , don ’ t really remember much about it . It was quite large . She was on the other side but I could not really see her , she was holding something . I would try and walk towards her but I couldn ’ t get close to her . After breaking from this weird