LITERARY MAGAZINE 2014 KRCS MS Volume 5 | Page 26

NEW DAY The sun is rising Announcing a brand new day Make the most of it. -ASHLEY BALTER 8TH “A new day brings new opportunities. A new day gives you the chance to start over and forget what ever might have happened yesterday. You could improve your current situation by embracing the new day and giving it your all. Every day is a gift given to you by God. Accept that gift with open arms and use it for good. use every new day to make the world a better place for you and for those around you.” GROWING UP Growing up is part of life That cannot be avoided Life goes on Even if you don’t want it to More responsibilities get dumped on you But at the same time, you also get more freedom Growing up means the more things we have to look forward to But that also means that we have to leave some things behind. -ASHLEY BALTER - 8TH