I truly enjoyed Palomobo's take on a classic tale - Sleepy Hollow. We've all grown knowing the story and the infamous Headless Horseman. What makes this book so interesting is hearing this book told from Katrina Van Tassel. The object of Ichabod Crane and Brom Van Brunt's affections. What we get is a forbidden love affair between Ichabod and Katrina - and ultimately the disappearance of Mr. Crane. What's Katrina to do when the love of her life goes missing?
I thought this book started off a bit slow but quickly picked up. I was anxious to get to the part where Crane disappeared, partly because I like a good mystery. Knowing this is a retelling you can kind of get a feel of who it is from the very beginning but it's still able to bring a fresh take on the original story. Katrina and Ichabod are true love and everything it involves. The only problem is he's a lowly teacher and won't be able to ever provide Van Tassel with anything of worth. That's all according to society and her own father - who shares with us that Katrina is the wealthiest
heiress around.
Which means that Brom makes the better suitor. Brom sucks though. He's a terrible character and so many times I wished that I could punch him in his smug mouth. Katrina is a feminist through and through. She was strong, independent and knew exactly what she wanted. I liked how feisty she was. It was amazing watching her put the men in her life in place. Overall, I thought the book had the perfect amount of romance, eeriness and the creepiness that made Sleepy Hollow such an amazing read to begin with.
Thank you to the publisher for providing a copy for an honest and unbiased review. All thoughts & opinions are my own. - Jess Ramirez