Literary Arts Magazine Spring 2024 Vol. 14 Carlos Rosario IPCS Magazine | Page 3




arlos Rosario School ’ s literary arts magazine is an original collection of adult basic education student writing and art . This collection came out of an initiative to increase student reading and access to high interest material in 2008 . Our annual publication is produced by a student designer with staff support .
This year , the student designer was Kevin Oblitas , who is passionate about creating designs that inspire and engage . All students are encouraged to submit their best work through a school-wide multilingual campaign , which results in hundreds of submissions annually !
After rounds of student editor reviews , the student graphic designer collaborates with staff advisors on all aspects of production , including layout , design , promotion , and distribution . We are proud of In Our Own Words for its contribution to our community of adult learners and for capturing the multicultural adult learner perspective and pride .
The mission of In Our Own Words is to provide accessible and high-interest reading material to the adult learning community . The magazine celebrates the creative and exceptional work of our students and provides students with an opportunity to give back to the community of adult learners .
Donald Ndebeka Staff Design Assistant
Samantha Harden SG Assistant Staff Editor
Steven Frets Head Staff Editor
Fidel Eshetu Staff Editor
Kevin Oblitas Graphic Designer