The Process of
Carlos Rosario School’s literary arts magazine is an original collection of
adult basic education student writing and art. This collection came out
of an initiative to increase student reading and access to high interest
material in 2008. Our annual publication is produced by a student
designer with staff support. This year, the student designer was Maria Teresa
Llanos, a native Venezuelan who is designing a magazine for the first time.
All students are encouraged to submit their best work through a school-wide
multilingual campaign, which results in over 350 submissions annually!
After rounds of student editor reviews, the student graphic
designer collaborates with staff advisors on all aspects of production,
including layout, design, promotion, and distribution. We are proud of In
Our Own Words for its contribution to our community of adult learners
and for capturing the multicultural adult learner prespective and pride.
Student editors Galina Al-Mukhtaar and Evett Graham.