mi c rso f
appli c a t ions
El Salvador
was born in a little country in Central America, El Salvador. My family was campesina and they worked very
hard. In 1985 because of the civil war my family moved to
San Salvador which is the capital of El Salvador. I started
working when I was 7 years old. I was called Canillita.
That is the kids who are selling newspaper in the street
of El Salvador. I also had a lot of customers who I delivered newspapers to and they used to pay me weekly. I
did my elementary school during the afternoon. So I used
to wake up at 5:00 AM to work delivering newspapers for
La Prensa Grafica and El Diario de Hoy which were the
main newspapers in El Salvador. After 8:00 AM I used to
sell candy and lotín (lottery in the buses or stoplights. My
brothers used to do the same. I am very proud that my
family never missed any meals at our table. We always
has the basics (canasta básica). Milk, chicken and meat
were something that we used have once a week as treat.
I am a person who likes to reach my goals. I consider myself a hard working person and I love to spend time with
my family, friends and coworkers. My experience as an
employee for a restaurant corporation helped me develop
myself professionally in the USA. I realize that as an employee we created wealth for the companies, but not for
ourselves. Saying that I think as an entrepreneur we can
create wealth for ourselves even though it is high risk. I
have a Business Administrator degree from UCA University from El Salvador and I had worked for Campero USA
Corps as a general manager in six different restaurants
in the Washington, DC area. I was in charge of 13 to 28
employees. I have experience hiring, training, and filing
paper work for a corporate office and firing employees
who were no able to adapt to our corporate culture. I
am proficient in Microsoft Office 2013. My job as a manager help me develop myself. It helped me to keep track
of daily basic goals, weekly, monthly and yearly.
Now I am a stay-at-home dad thanks to
my wonderful wife who can support our
family. As a Latino, being a stay-at-home
dad is not common. I really like spending
time with my kids and I want them to have
better opportunities in their life when they
grow up. My business goal is to start my
own business. My favorite hobby is exercising (running or going to the gym).
A collection of student art and writing