being a
eing a teacher is not easy.
Teaching is a special calling.
It is not well-suited to everyone. In fact, there are the best
things and the most difficult things
about being a teacher.
Ms. Jane is a teacher at Rumah
Indonesia (a foundation that
teaches Indonesian language
and culture for children under 12
years old). She thinks that watching the children grow is the best
part of teaching. She said that
not all children come to the class
at the same ability or level and
they will not leave at the same
ability or level either. However,
they all make progress and this is
always rewarding. “The worst part
of my job is probably when you
have a child that is hard to reach.
You feel like you have failed as a
teacher,” Ms. Jane said.
“The important thing when facMs. Tricia Sumarja, a teacher for
ing the children is patience,” she
toddler class in the same school,
explained. She thinks she never
thinks a similar thing. She said that
got difficult things while she was
she felt like a failure when she
teaching because she loved it and
couldn’t transfer the knowledge to
was always happy to do her job.
her students in class. Sometimes
She really enjoyed being a music
feeling guilty and a little bit frustrat- teacher.
ed comes to her. It could be obsessions that haunt her for days. “But it All the teachers I spoke to felt
usually suddenly disappears when
enjoyment in their work. They have
I see sparkles in the students’ eyes
passion to teach and have pawhen they grasp what I am trying
tience to face the children, so all
to express,” Ms. Tricia said with big the difficult things can be easily
smile on her face.
to resolved. It seems to me that
teaching is a satisfying, rewardMiss Emely, a beautiful young lady,
ing and challenging profession.
has been teaching music at Shreve- They have to interact and supwood Elementary School in Falls
port the learning of young people,
Church, Virginia for more than 3
often from difficult backgrounds
years. Students love her because she and also should have transferable
is pretty, cheerful and has a good
skills. The job needs a huge comvoice. She is also friendly, kindheart- mitment and involves emotions.
ed and patient. “I love music and I
That’s why teaching is not easy
have a passion to teach,” she said.
and is like a special calling.